Weighing in

              Athletes are permitted a 24 hour weigh in

              All weigh ins are conducted at the venue on a calibrated scale, remote weigh ins are not permitted.

You cannot weigh in before the permitted time.

1.       If an athlete fails to make weight, they can return to weigh in a second time, no sooner than 2 hours after their attempt. Athletes can weigh in as many times as needed until close of weigh in, including the morning they are scheduled to lift.

2.       If an athlete still fails to make weight, they can lift in the class above them, but their total will not be counted. They will be a non-scoring competitor.

3.       No refunds will be given to athletes who fail to make weight, it is your responsibility to make sure you come in under the cutoff point.

All athletes must weigh in, even where they are not competing in a weight class, the reason being that if there is a tie on total, the lighter athlete will be awarded the higher placing

The maximum you can weigh in your class is shown below.

u52.5, max of 52.49kg

u62.5, max of 62.49kg

u72.5, max of 72.49kg

u82.5, max of 82.49kg

u70, max of 69.99kg

u80, max of 79.99kg

u90, max of 89.99kg

u105, max of 104.99kg


You will not be given an allowance for underwear and naked weigh ins will not be permitted


The Log Lift         Applies to all standing classes, including adaptive

Equipment allowed

  1. Wrist wraps are allowed.

  2. Elbow sleeves are allowed, including “equipped” elbow sleeves.

  3. Only one item per joint. IE one elbow sleeve, not multiple sleeves on the one elbow. (wraps on the elbows are not allowed).

4.       Knee sleeves are allowed.

5.       Belts are allowed, including a soft neoprene underbelt.

6.       If using a buckle belt, the buckle must be turned to the back to prevent damaging the log.

7.       You cannot create a loop with your belt to aid in the clean, nor can you use towels or any other means to build a shelf.

8.       Two belts worn one above the other in a stepped fashion are not permitted.

9.       Lifting straps and tacky are not allowed.

10.   Grip shirts are only permitted underneath the competition shirt, but not instead of or on top of it.

11.   Chalk is permitted on the competition shirt to improve grip on the log.

Rules for lifting

·       Once you have finished warming up, you will be called through to the holding area at the side of the stage, you are not permitted back into the warm up room once your class starts lifting.

·       Athletes will have 60 seconds to report to the platform from the time they are called, if you are not on the platform and ready to lift, (sleeves, wraps etc all on) before the 60 seconds is up, you will be timed out and you will not lift. (A competition official will be running the holding area, letting you know when to get ready).

·       Once you are on the platform in time, you will be given a start signal by the judge, you then have 60 seconds to complete your attempt.

·       A successful lift will be given the down signal once the judge is happy that you have met the following criteria,

a.       The elbows are fully locked out

b.       The log is stable and not moving overhead

c.       Your head is through and biceps are in line with your head

d.       Your hips are locked out

e.       Your knees are locked out

f.        Your feet are in line

g.       The log cannot be rested on the top of the head during the lift. It may however be allowed to touch the head during the upward trajectory.

·       The judge may want you to stand in place for a second or two to demonstrate that you are fully in control of the lift, a split second lockout of the elbows is not enough to qualify as a good lift.

·       If you put the log down before the judges signal, you will not be credited with a successful lift. If you drop the log and it comes off the crash pads, it is your responsibility to re-set it

·       You have the remainder of the 60 seconds to have another attempt.

·       Lifts that are completed after the 60 second time is up, will not count as a successful attempt.

·       Upon receiving the down command from the judge, you must control the log to the crash pads, control means keeping hands on the log all the way down.

The Seated Log lift

Equipment allowed

          The same equipment is allowed for the adaptive log lift as above.

Rules for lifting

·       Seated and Neuro athletes will press the log from a bench set at an approximate angle of 50 degrees.

·       The log will start on a set of jerk blocks that will be set to each athletes height.

·       The athlete will clean the log from the blocks onto their shoulders, spotters will not help you into position.

·       The press may only start if the log is not touching the jerk blocks.

·       A successful attempt must meet the following criteria

a)       The elbows must be fully locked out

b)      The log must be stable overhead, if it is still moving, you will not receive a down command

c)       Your feet must remain as flat on the floor as possible and in front of the bench, you are not permitted to pull them back and tuck them under your hips

d)      Upon receiving the down signal, the athlete must return the log to the jerk blocks, it cannot be dropped

The Standing Dumbbell press

Equipment allowed

The same equipment for single arm athletes is allowed as for the log lift

Rules for lifting

·       Standing single arm athletes will press a loadable dumbbell

·       The dumbbell will start from the ground

·       It must be cleaned to the shoulder by the athlete, no help will be given

·       Your press cannot start if any other part of your body is touching the dumbbell (excluding your head and the shoulder it is set on)

·       A successful attempt will be given a down signal if it meets the following criteria

a)       Your elbow is fully locked out

b)      Your bicep is in line with your head, not in front of it

c)       You are stood as upright as physically possible

d)      Your hips and knees are fully locked out

e)      Your feet are in line, not staggered

·       If you put the dumbbell down before the judges signal, you will not be credited with a successful lift.

·       You have the remainder of the 60 seconds to have another attempt.

·       Lifts that are completed after the 60 second time is up, will not count as a successful attempt.

·       Upon receiving the down command from the judge, you must lower the dumbbell to the crash pad under control, no dropping.


The Dead Lift         Applies to all classes, including standing adaptive


Equipment allowed

1.       Knee sleeves are allowed.

2.       Belts are allowed, including a soft neoprene underbelt.

3.       Two belts worn one above the other in a stepped fashion are not permitted.

4.       Single, double or triple ply suits are allowed.

5.       Figure 8 straps or extra-long axle straps are allowed

6.       Chalk is permitted, tacky is not.

7.       Competition shirt must be worn over your deadlift suit, not underneath it.

8.       Adaptive athletes can use shoulder or arm straps.

Rules for lifting

·       Once you have finished warming up, you will be called through to the holding area at the side of the stage, you are not permitted back into the warm up room once your class starts lifting.

·       Athletes will have 60 seconds to report to the platform from the time they are called, if you are not on the platform and ready to lift, you will be timed out and not be able to lift.

·       Your suit must be on with the event shirt worn over the top before the 60 seconds is up. (A competition official will be running the holding area, letting you know when to get ready).

·       Once you are on the platform in time, you will be given a start signal by the judge, you then have 60 seconds to complete your attempt.

·       You are not permitted to pull with your arms inside your knees (sumo) or if your hands are in front of your knees,

·       A successful lift will be given the down signal once the judge is happy that you have met the following criteria,

a)      Athlete is fully upright and making eye contact with the judge

b)      Fingers must be wrapped at least partially around the bar with thumbs in contact, you cannot hang the bar in your straps with finger tips touching.

c)       Shoulders are locked down and there is no rounding in the upper back

d)      Hips have to be fully extended and locked out

e)      Your knees are locked out, absolutely no soft knees allowed

f)        Your feet are in line

·       The judge may want you to stand in place for a second or two to demonstrate that you are fully in control of the lift, a split second lockout that requires a frame by frame video review is not enough to qualify as a good lift.

·       The down command will be a physical signal of the hand and the word DOWN

·       A red signal from the side judge after the down command means no lift, you can attempt another in the remaining time.

·       A good lift will only be given upon a white signal from the side judge after the down command.

·       If you put the bar down before the judges signal, you will not be credited with a successful lift. You then have the remainder of the 60 seconds to have another attempt.

·       Lifts that are completed after the 60 second time is up, will not count as a successful attempt.

·       Upon receiving the down command from the judge, you must lower the bar under control, no dropping.

The seated Deadlift

·       Seated and neuro athletes will sit on an adjustable height box, that will be set to a height no lower than 42cm to the underside of the box, additional mats will be used to adjust the height for each athlete.

·       An axle with standard diameter plates will be used for the seated deadlift.

·       A successful lift needs to meet the following criteria

a)      The athlete must be sat fully upright, no hunched shoulders or rounded upper back

b)      Fingers must be wrapped at least partially around the bar with thumbs in contact, you cannot hang the bar in your straps with finger tips touching.

c)       Feet must be flat on the floor,

d)      The athlete must be stable with the axle not moving beneath them

e)      If you put the bar down before the down command is given, you will not be credited with a successful lift

f)        If the side judge gives a red signal because they are not happy with your lockout, you will not be credited with a successful lift, but can attempt it again in the remaining time

Equipment weights


·       36kg with a diameter of 90 inches

·       40kg with a diameter of 11 inches

·       57.5kg with a diameter of 13 inches

·       80kg with a diameter of 13 inches

o   All logs have a handle spacing of 62cm/ 24.4 inches


            Axle and wagon wheels,

·       Axle diameter is 4.9cm with an approximate weight of 40kg

·       Wagon wheels have a diameter of 91.44cm with a weight of 50kg

·       Seated deadlifts will use standard sized calibrated plates instead of wagon wheels

·       Collars for the axle will weigh 2.5kg

o   Total minimum weight for the wagon wheel deadlift for all standing classes will be 140kg



·       Diameter is for women is 9 inches with a minimum weight of 20kg

·       Diameter for men is 11 inches, weight is 30kg


Weight increases can only be made in 2.5kg increments, and multiples thereof.

We will not have anything smaller than 1.25kg plates so no 3kg, 4 kg, 6kg etc, jumps will be possible

All weights will be in kilograms, do not submit attempts in pounds. It is your responsibility to do the conversions.


Submitting first attempts

1.       First attempts are to be submitted upon registration and weigh in, on the form provided by the judging team, this form must be initialled by the athlete or coach/ helper. NO EXCEPTIONS.

  1. You may change their first lift, once only, up to 5 minutes before the start of your class, not after.

  2. Any change to your opening lift has to be submitted to the scoring desk, on the official form and initialled by either the athlete or the coach/ helper.

4.       If you wanted a change of weight but did not submit it to the officials and counter sign it, your weight will not be changed and you will lift the originally submitted attempt.  Again,


Submitting your second attempt

1.       Upon completion of your first attempt, you must submit your second attempt to the scoring desk in writing on the official form with yours or your coach’s signature.

2.       The minimum you can add to your first lift is 2.5kg (1.25kg each side).

3.       If you failed your first attempt, you can submit the same weight again or higher, but you cannot put in a lower weight than that which you failed.

4.       If you do not submit a second attempt, your weight will automatically be increased by the minimum amount, whether it was a successful attempt or not.

  1. A competitor may change their second lift weight, once only, But it cannot be lower than the weight that is currently on the bar.

6.       Attempt changes must be submitted in writing and signed, if they are not, the officials will take the second attempt weight that was submitted on the initialled slip at the end of your first lift.

Submitting your third attempt

1.       Upon completion of your second lift, you must submit your third attempt in writing on the official form with either yours or your coach’s signature.

2.       The minimum you can add to your lift is 2.5kg (1.25kg each side).

3.       If you failed your second attempt, you can submit the same weight again or higher, but you cannot put in a weight lower than that which you failed.

4.       If you do not submit a third attempt, your weight will automatically be increased by the minimum amount of 2.5kg, whether it was successful or not.

5.       A competitor may change their third attempt twice before they lift again, but it cannot be lower than the weight already on the bar.

6.       Attempt changes must be submitted in writing and signed, if they are not, the officials will take the third attempt weight that was submitted on the initialled slip at the end of your second lift.



Additional rules  

1.       Any attempt to break these rules will result in a warning, any further attempt will result in disqualification.

2.       Athletes only get 3 attempts. No additional lifts will be granted for world record attempts.

3.       Only completed lifts will count towards your total.

4.       Only the athlete and their nominated coach/ helper can enter the competition arena and backstage areas. Family members and supporters are not permitted into the gym, they can watch from the designated area.

5.       Athletes cannot bring a videographer or photographer on to the competition floor.

6.       Only the official event photographer is allowed on the competition floor.